Croatian Post
Creative Director
Maro Pitarević
Senior Copywriter
Saša Filipović
Senoir Designer
Nikolina Šerbetić Keserić
Account Manager
Davorka Štrumberger
“HPexpress” package sending service rebranding, with the purpose of moving toward new courier postal trends, which made the service, under the new name “Paket24”, more available, flexible, and reliable.
In order to move towards new trends in courier mail, the task was a complete rebranding of the “HPexpress” package delivery service, which would make the service under the new name “Paket24” more modern, but still in line with the previous positive traditional connotations. Also, the purpose of the campaign was to position the service under the new name as a top brand in package-sending services in Croatia.
Due to the new digital era, which is manifested by increasing competition, the application of new technologies and the market flexibility, the marketing strategy encompassed extended existing “HPexpress” services brand image research and comparison with the main rivals on the market. The aim was to highlight all the positive brand attributes such as reliability, tradition, trust, and expertise and take advantage of the new digital environment to promote the brand and opportunities for regional expansion in approaching different primary target groups.
Delivery encompassing the “Paket24” package-sending service as the only Croatian delivery that is readily available, flexible, reliable, always, and everywhere, offering different shipping options for private and business customers, so that everyone can get as much of a custom-made service as possible.
Designing new media presence and communication through offline and online media markets covering the digital frequency trends in courier services usage worldwide.