Croatian National Tourist Board
Creative Director
Maro Pitarević
Senior Copywriter
Saša Filipović
Art Director
Matko Jovičin
Nikolina Šerbetić Keserić
Account Manager
Asja Muzić
At the peak of the COVID-19 scare, we launched a campaign that calmed the tourists and assured them to stick with their Croatia summer plans.
Like the rest of the world, Croatia faced numerous challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Vacation planning had never been more complicated and the success of the tourist season was uncertain.
That’s why we needed a campaign that would promote Croatia as a safe tourist destination in foreign markets and motivate people to spend their holiday in Croatia.
Under the Safe Stay platform, we communicated the slogan “Trust me, I’ve been there”. And who would people trust? Certainly, people from their own country that have already visited Croatia and confirmed that it’s safe.
Through modern and friendly communication, we made 12 unique campaigns to meet the preferences of each foreign market. Satisfied guests, who had previously visited Croatia, spoke about Croatia being an ideal, safe, and well-prepared destination for their holidays.

The campaign #TrustMeIveBeenThere was carried out through activities on social media, TV channels, newspapers, outdoor advertising and web sites in each foreign market.

Through this campaign, Croatia positioned itself as one of the most successful tourist destinations in Europe and has come significantly closer to the results achieved in the record pre-pandemic 2019.